Costarican artist (1960). University of Costa Rica’s School of Fine Arts’s Senior Professor, teaching Printmaking, Bookbinding and Hand-Papermaking. He has obteined a The University of Iowa’s Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking (1995) and University of Costa Rica’s Bachellor of Arts in Printmaking (1989). Awarded in Mexico with the Grand Prize Award and Goya’s Gold Medal of the X Ibero American Biennial of Art “Ibero American Printmaking” (1996) and in Costa Rica with the Aquíleo J. Echeverría 1999 Nati Read Moreonal Prize Award in Printmaking (2000). His first main international solo show was held in 1996 at the Mexico City’s Museo Nacional de la Estampa. He has had several solo shows of importance in Costa Rica, the retrospective (2009) “Veinte años de Estam/Pasión” at the San José’s Mexican Cultural Center could be highlighted. He has participated by invitation to several group shows in European countries like Portugal (Douro, 2014, 2015 & 2016), France (Chamalières, 2010, 2014 & 2017), Italy (Cremona, 2009; Milan, 2012) and Germany (Bonn, 1990).
Skills: dry point talla dulce mezzotint xilogravura xilografia xylography