1988 Liberal Academy of The Hague 1989-1993 A.K.I. Academy for Art and Industry in Enschede Workshops in Belgium, Chartres and HongKong Projects design of experimental labyrints in corn, grass sand and canvas Exhibits solo or in group on several places in the Netherlands and abroad. Abroad solo: :Fürstenau, Town Hall Germ., Chojnow region.museum Poland, Chartres, Town Hall France Assigments: calendars, logodesigns, cards,curtains,prints Selectid for/ prices : Working periods at the Masereel Centre ( B) Lauré Read Moreat de la Bourse de Création Agricole Val de France Scholarship for glass art provided by Crԕdit agricole Val de France Chartres ( F) 2 times nominated for BAS ( business Art Service) ( NL) Museum.competition 2017 ST.Niclaas ( BE)
Skills: linoprint woodcut etching aquatint