CIPRIAN RADOVAN, winner of the Pro Cultura.,Timis County Award and many other awards, is a Romanian artist born in 1939. He’s been a member of the Timisoara branch of The Romanian Association of Professional Visual Artists (UAP-RO) since 1966. Since 1962, he has participated regularly at annual exhibitions gathering numerous professional artists at county and national level. He has had more than 22 personal exhibitions to date in Romania, Germany, France, and Austria. Additionally, his artwork has been exhibited in Read Moremore than 300 group exhibitions in Romania and other countries, including Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Serbia, former Yugoslavia, and the US. His artwork has recently been on display at The Contemporary European Print Triennial in France in 2013 and 2016 and The Douro Global Print 2015, 2017 and Douro Biennial 2016,2018 .
Skills: digital print