She was born in Italy in 1993 and she is graduated in graphic arts at the Academy of fine Arts of Brera, in Milan. Her artistic research moves in the field of graphic art, using mainly traditional and experimental printing techniques, believing that they can coexist together. The world of print art fascinates her because it requires slowness and dedication (two characteristics that can be hardly find in the frenetic rhythm of everyday life), leaving space to surprise and amaze. She loves the unpredictability that Read More every print unavoidably produces. Her figurative research is linked to image narration, not simple description and representation but allegory and metaphor. Her vision, often intimate and dreamy, belongs to a personal imagery, which tries to be universal. The idea is that these visions can silently find their way through the eyes of who is watching and of who decides to listen. Her work alternate between microcosms of signs and empty spaces. They are insidious spaces of stimulations, where every detail hides and reveals at the same time, suspended between urgencies and airiness, drama and irony, noise and musicality.
Skills: etching soft ground monotype digital print pencil etching (mixed technique)