Patricia Villalobos Echeverría has a hybrid practice of prints, photos, video, installations, and participatory projects that pivot around issues of migration, navigation, displacement, and transformation. She was born in Memphis, Tennessee to Salvadoran parents and grew up in Managua, Nicaragua. She received an MFA from West Virginia University and a BFA from Louisiana State University. Her projects have been exhibited in North, Central, and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia. She is the recipient of the Read More National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures Artist Grant, the Oregon Arts Council Fellowship, PA Council for the Arts Fellowship, Creative Heights Residency Fellowship from the Heinz Endowment and has been an artist in residence at Ox-Bow, Artist Image Resource, The Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University and the MacDowell Arts Colony. She lives in Kalamazoo where she is a Professor of Art at the Frostic School of Art of Western Michigan University.