Multimedia artist, photographer, videomaker, writer, poet, astrologer, noisemaker, performance artist. He has four solo catalogues so far, two books of poetry and a collection of essays on astrology. He has had more than fifty solo exhibitions, took part in more than a hundred group shows in Hungary and abroad, in Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Cairo, Cluj Napoca, Bath, Bratislava etc. He is the member of the Hungarian Electrographic Association, the Hungarian Artist's Association, the Hungarian Saint Thomas Aquinas Soc Read Moreiety, the Hungarian Mail Art Society and was a member of the Studio of Young Photographers. He was the founding member of United Images, a progressive photographer's society, and NEMTEIS, a radical performance group. He thaught at the Dharma's Gate Buddhist University and at MOME /Moholy-Nagy University/.
Skills: digital print