He started his studies at the Specialty of Ceramics at the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts, Kaposvár between 1991 and 1995. Then he studied at the Department of Design of the Industrial School of Designer and Interior Decorator, Budapest for a year. Between 1996 and 1997 he returned to Kaposvár, where he completed the fth year at the Specialty of Graphics of the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts. In 1997 he successfully applied for admission to the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, where he graduated as a gra Read Morephic artist at the Department of Graphics and Visual Education in 2002. His personal masters were: Alajos Eszik and Imre Kocsis. In the last year of his studies he completed two semesters at the University of Design and Art, at the Department of Silicate Design, where his personal masters were: Gabor Gonsales and Zoltan Bohus. Between 2002 and 2007 he was a quali ed teacher at the Mihály Zichy Secondary School of Arts and Crafts, Kaposvár, where he taught many subjects, such as artistic anatomy, history of art, along with multiple graphical techniques. Between 2004 and 2007 he gave lectures of artistic anatomy at the Department of State Design of the Faculty of Art of the University of Kaposvár. His main interest are glass sculptures, which he creates by using brass wire netting for bases which are moulded together with warm glass. His works are meant to focus on the combination of the optical e ects and graphical qualities. He moved to New Zealand at the end of 2007. He was strongly in uenced by Polynesian art, which appears on his graphics in this period until 2012. Lendvai and his family moved back to Hungary in 2012. He settled down in Sopron (Ödenburg) and he is a graphic design teacher at Handler Nándor vocational school in present. He has been a member of the Association of Young Glass Artists since 2000. He has been a member of the Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists and the Association of Hungarian Artists since 2002. Since 2003 he became a member of the Association of Young Designers (FISE). Since 2006 he has been a member of the Association of Hungarian Glass Artists.
Skills: Screenprint