Simone Ricciardiello was born in Naples on 23 January 1944. He gradueted from the "Liceo Artistico di Napoli" (Artistic High School of Naples) and from the Academy of Fine Arts attending the Decorating course. He is an expert in Visual Design and in the field of Communications Technology, with a particular interest in Web Design. Specialized and qualified in printing and chalcographic techniques, between the '80s and '90s he was enrolled in "Associazione Incisori Veneti" (Association of Etchers of Veneto). In 1981, he Read More moved to Vicenza where he taught as a starter of the Pictorial Art Department in the "Artistic High School" until 2005, year of his retirement. During the years of his teaching he was starter of Pictorial Art, Figure and Ornate Drawing, Chalcographic Techniques, Restoration.