2019 Dämmerung, Livingstone Gallery, Den Haag (solo) 2019 Palazzo Ducale The Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte, Holland -Italy (IT) 2018 Brabantse Nieuwe Revisited, Het Noordbrabants Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch 2017 Paraìso Escondido, Galeria D. Dinis, Museu Municipal J. Vermelho,Estremoz (PT, solo) 2015 O azul do Alentejo sob o meu olhar, Museu do Artesanato e do Design, Ėvora (PT, solo) 2015 Raios de luz, Museu Munipal de Estremoz, Estremoz (PT, solo) 2015 Landschap van de Ziel, Jan van Hoof Galerie Read More, ‘s-Hertogenbosch (solo) 2013 Het ontwaken van de zomer, Huub Hannen Galerie, Maastricht (solo) 2012 Só os caminhos eram meus, Palacio Dom Manuel, Ėvora (PT, solo) 2011 Live Ateliers, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo (solo) 2011 Le coucher du nuit, Galerie La Courette, Durfort (FR, solo) Groupshows in musea and galleries a.o. in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, UK, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Portugal, Finland, Cuba, Russia, Iceland and China
Skills: silkscreenprint serigraph
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