1988 Born in Hokkaido, Present in The Hirosawa City Ibaraki Japan 2013 M.F.A, Tohoku University of Art and Design , Yamagata, Japan 2011 2017 Sayuri Nishimura Exhibition, GALERIE SIMON , Tokyo, Japan 2 0 18 Internatio nal Biennial Print Exhibit: 2 0 1 8 ROC National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art 2015 Contemporary Japanese Print makers, Davidson gallery , Seattle, USA Secondo Classificat o PREMIO LEONARDO SCIASCIA amateur d'estampes IX Edizione 2018 2019 Italy 2016 Judge sp ecial award, 60 th anniversary Read More CWAJ print show, Tokyo American C lub, Japan 2012 Yamaguchi Gen Emerging Artist Award, 80th Exhibition of Japan Print Association 2011 21st scholarship st udent, Sato Internationa l Cultural Scholarship Foundation
Skills: etching aquatint
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